News + Insights


This month is devoted to awareness of health concerns for men and conveying easy to follow strategies to build up wellness and overall vigor.   A common area of growing concern as men age is similar to that of their female counterparts – pounds that snuck on generating the need to buy new, larger clothes.
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More than ever, women are proactively turning to nutrition and supplementation to address health and wellness. For example, a recent report from FMCG Gurus’ shows that 70% of women globally have tried to improve their dietary habits in the last year (2023). Diet impacts overall well-being, but when peri-menopause interrupts, a healthy diet often just
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Men, did you know that excessive computer (screen) time can impair your sex life? Simply, getting involved on Facebook, playing computer games, binge-watching, etc. all cut into time that can be spent exercising, or performing physical activities and can increase risk of erectile dysfunction. This is especially true if you use a computer frequently for
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Blood tests are magical illustrations of health and potential disease. For example, there is an interesting new study showing how a standard, typical blood test may predict imminent risk of an adverse cardiovascular event (ACE). According to the study, performed at Uppsala University, researchers identified 91 molecules associated with the risk of ACE.   The
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  In the Wizard of Oz, the Tin Man needed oil to move fluidly, and he grimaced in pain when he couldn’t move thanks to rusty, impaired joints. Indeed, nobody wants joints that don’t work properly. Aging causes the need to ensure that the joints’ components retain their integrity, and that inflammation is minimized. HP
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Beyond prostate support for middle-aged men – healthy men from their 20s through 70s want to remain vigorous, active, attractive. But men tend to deal with a stress problem, and it’s always been that way. The good news is that today, men are much more open about discussing stress and being proactive about reducing it
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There may be distinct differences among the generations – however, they have one thing in common. Cognitive function enhancement is, quite simply, hot for young adults as well as elders, from Zoomers to Boomers. One reason is that life demands quick thinking. We are connected 360, 24/7 – work, play, home/family. The demands we place
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On this episode of The Vitamin Professor Podcast, Professor Gene Bruno talks to Juan Hancke of HP Ingredients. This podcast is brought to you in partnership with VRM Media and Nutraland USA, Inc. For more information about our host and guest, please see the below information. @hnvirtual, #hnvirtual, #karenhoward,
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In only a scant few days, New Year’s Day will burst in, bringing with it the shiny new first day of following your resolution. Improving physical health was the most popular resolution for 2023 followed by exercising more, and eating healthier. Interestingly, by February, only 22% of respondents were still following their resolutions.    Typically, resolutions are
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  Andrographis paniculata is an herb that performs as an immune regulator and inflammation modulator, which is relevant for everyone. Renowned Andrographis expert Juan Hancke, PhD, discusses his rich history investigating the herb and helping to develop the unique and original patented extract, ParActin®
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There really isn’t just one “superstar” ingredient for supporting immune function, especially during stressful times.   When thinking about formulating a product to help the multiple millions of adult consumers to withstand the immune debilitating effects of stress, consider crafting a potent blend of herbs, that of course may be accentuated with such immune stalwarts
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A new study sheds light on another benefit of a healthy lifestyle — it may reduce risk of depression. The study, published in Nature Mental Health, looked at factors including lifestyle, genetics, brain structure and immune and metabolic systems to identify the underlying mechanisms that explain the association.   By examining data from almost 290,000
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Getting on track to losing weight and getting into shape is stressful, let’s face it. We are purposefully cutting down or out delicious comfort foods, and this restriction can leave us irritable and feeling stress more intensely. (After all, comfort foods, by truly providing that momentary comfort, reduce stress.) The cortisol that stress relies on
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Consumers are becoming more aware that there is a tight link between stress and cognitive function. High stress crowds out the ability to think logically, or even think at all, except for repeated blasts of “Oh S*&#!”   So, first thing’s first: persuading the increasing numbers of stressed-out consumers to engage in daily adaptogenic therapy
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While many of us are basking in the sun (with high SPF slathered on our skin, of course), it is time to consider how consumers are going to supplement for immune protection during wintertime. Winter protection calls forth such supplements as zinc, vitamin C, and elderberry. All good, yes, but there is a powerful antioxidant
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The “beauty-from-within” category is firmly entrenched in consumers’ minds; natural health-oriented women (and men) get the fact that if they want their skin to not only look gorgeous but be healthy, supplements are the way to go. There’s collagen, omega 3 EFAs, and even probiotics. But there’s also maqui berry (Aristotelia chilensis), a marvel in
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 Nutritional Outlook Pod · Episode 22: Do you know the history of bergamot?   Hame Persaud, executive vice president of HP Ingredients, was invited to The Nutritional Outlook Podcast to talk about the rich history of bergamot, and its future in the dietary supplement industry. Learn about the makings of HPI’s Bergamonte, the origin
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While “mood disorders” are psychiatric in nature and not an allowable health claim, healthy people can experience low moods stemming from a variety of reasons. These causes range from situations, to seasonal affect, to diet, and poor sleep patterns. Commonly, these low moods are often simply called “the blues.”   For the numerous consumers who
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If you know a vibrant menopausal woman experiencing uncomfortable hot flashes and she seems to be at a loss for words, well, there’s a link, according to researchers.   A 2020 study suggests that physiologic hot flashes are associated with decreased verbal memory and with alterations in brain function during encoding and retrieval of memory,
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There was a famous slogan by now an infamous product that still resonates today: “You’ve come a long way.” Coined in the 1960s by the advertising agency for Virginia Slims cigarettes, it was meant to hail the modern woman who, in droves, carved out her own life, living it the way she wanted to, while
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HP Ingredients was founded in 2001 by Annie Eng, who is a pioneer in the botanical ingredient supply chain.   Did you know that HP stands for Herbal Powers? While growing up in Malaysia, Annie knew that herbs were very powerful for human health and wellness. So she formulated her company and today we are
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The next big thing? Chococeuticals. Try LJ100® in delicious dark Belgian chocolate — and take the chocolate challenge!   (BRADENTON, FL) — Annie Eng, CEO of HP Ingredients, has announced a new venture — LJ100® Chococeuticals, which will make their industry debut at SupplySide West (Booth #3429).   LJ100®, the most-researched Tongkat Ali, has been
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At HP Ingredients, we know that supplements do work and some work better than others in specific conditions. Besides quantifying their efficacy in human clinical studies, a greater picture can emerge when comparing them to other compounds widely recognized to exert the same effect. And in comparing, the victor often does more. In the case
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Winter is over, and we are all feeling spring fever. But in many men, they may be desiring the “oomph” but the body isn’t complying. Low testosterone and a winter characterized by little exercise compounds the problem.   LJ100® Tongkat Ali, from Malaysia, has a long history of helping men get up and go. And
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Fish and seafoods (called “blue foods”) are growing in consumer demand as they are healthier options for meals.  This means that on the supplyside, there is a new pressure to produce sustainably. One review of the aquatic foods sector revealed how fisheries and aquaculture can play greater roles in delivering healthy diets and more sustainable,
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The beauty of the dietary supplement industry is that it continues to expand with ingredients that are sold for supporting health and wellness. But, sometimes, this is also the ugly side. There are some natural compounds that are not as beneficial as once thought.   As some examples: kratom, an herb initially sold for natural
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At HP Ingredients, one of our core distinctions that directly affect consumers is our patents and patents-pending. Through these tools, we provide transparency, and the patents and patents-pending also provide market distinction and unique brand positioning opportunities for our customers. Anyone can supply or sell or broker ingredients. Building a product around generic ingredients places
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Consumers want to enjoy active lifestyles as they get older – more so than ever because Baby Boomers and Generation X today still feel very youthful, and this is only going to increase with younger adults as they get older.   Cardiometabolic health is an anchor to lively well-being in older years, and young adults
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BRADENTON, FL – A newly published human study has shown LJ100® the premier Tongkat Ali (aka Eurycoma longifolia), has definitive action in reversing the hormonal cascade that leads to diminished testosterone production in aging males, according to Annie Eng, CEO, HP Ingredients.   In the new study (Chinnappan, Food & Nutrition Research), researchers investigated the
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What’s New at HP Ingredients? As you wind up 2021 editorial and embark on 2022 calendar development, HP Ingredients can provide fresh, qualitative information for your planned features. Our new tagline, “Where science never sleeps” represents our significant continual investment into scientific discovery of how our ingredients work in vivo and how they affect health
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As can be seen in Nutritional Outlook. BRADENTON, FL – Annie Eng, CEO of HP Ingredients, has announced that her certified Woman-Owned company has purchased a stake and is now a shareholder contributing to worldwide sales and marketing for Herbal & Antioxidant Derivatives (H&AD) of Calabria, Italy. H&AD is the leader in manufacturing a patented
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Men – there’s yet another reason to mind your T’s: total testosterone and free testosterone.   Throughout the pandemic, physicians have reported that men with COVID-19 fare worse, on average, than women with the infection. One supposition was that testosterone is to blame, but that more of it was the cause.   However, a new
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By Stephen Daniells As seen in Nutra Ingredients-USA. BRADENTON, FL – Annie Eng, CEO, HP Ingredients, announced that its signature botanical ingredient, ParActin® Andrographis paniculata, has been granted a product license from Health Canada. The Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) has concluded that HP Ingredients’ application for ParActin is in compliance pursuant to
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You know that calcium, Vitamin D and magnesium are all outstanding nutraceuticals for healthy bones. But did you know that some herbs are too? Specifically, Andrographis paniculata (ParActin®) and Tongkat ali (LJ100®) have been shown in studies to protect healthy bone turnover and bone mineral density. Several studies on ParActin show clear mechanisms of action
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Time has been keeping readers apprised of news since 1923, and scholars in every discipline have been both reported about and reading the venerable newsweekly. On March 1, 2004 – thanks to Time, the relationship between consumers and their inner selves changed for good:  the first widespread, in-depth reporting associating unfelt inflammation and its stirring
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As humans, we all love comfort and to feel good, and when we indulge in food and treats, we feel good – until we notice the scale has a higher number and our clothes are getting uncomfortably tight.  Then – we feel angry, frustrated and often a little helpless. So, to feel better, we feel
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HP Ingredients’ own Chief Science Officer, Dr. Juan Hancke, has studied Andrographis paniculata for over four decades. The result: numerous published clinicals, and patents. Andrographis as ParActin can help boost the immune system, reduce the severity of cold and flu as well as support a healthy inflammatory response. This bodes well for bone, joint and
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BRADENTON, FL – Annie Eng, CEO and founder of HP Ingredients, has announced the addition of a new study for its signature ingredient, IQ200® demonstrating its value for brain support, mood support and healthy aging supplements.   “IQ200® is a breakthrough water-soluble, high antioxidant food-based herb, Persicaria minor (also known as Polygonum minus) that can
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BRADENTON, FL – Thailand’s decision to clear use of Andrographis paniculata as an herbal medicine to treat COVID-19 is a move that bodes well for the global botanical industry, according to Annie Eng, CEO of HP Ingredients, the maker and supplier of patented ParActin® A. paniculata.   Recognizing that the FDA and other international health
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It is indeed another “four-letter word” – diet. But it can be a good four-letter noun. Diet primarily is described as what you tend to consume daily, as a routine. The old way of thinking that still permeates how we look at our health – is that diet means restrictions of foods, eating mostly salads,
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Your brain is beyond a masterpiece, really. For example, did you know that your brain knows where others are even when you’re not thinking about it? New research shows that the human brain can generate a common code to mark where other people are in relation to ourselves. The lead author of this study commented
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Market research analyst Priyanka Kulkarni of Transparency Market Research, a market intelligence firm based in India & the USA, shared with HP Ingredients the results of the company’s new report about Maqui Berry. And we are excited to share it with you. The revenue generated from the global maqui berry market has been recently valued
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BRADENTON, FL – Hame Persaud, LL.B., Executive Vice President of HP Ingredients, a leading research-based global botanical ingredient supplier, will be a featured speaker at AHPA’s Sports Nutrition Congress to be held Wednesday, October 21. Persaud will expound about the importance of clinical research in the burgeoning sports nutrition market and emphasize the critical role
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HP Ingredients’ motto is: where science never sleeps. We continue to invest in in vitro, animal and human clinical trials to portray the safety, mechanisms of action and efficacy for our signature proprietary branded herbal extracts:  LJ100® Tongkat Ali, ParActin® Andrographis paniculata, Bergamonte® bergamot extract, Maqui Care® maqui berry extract and more.   HP Ingredients
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As we know, numerous studies are being performed that are looking into COVID-19 – causes, symptoms, epidemiology, and of course, pharmaceutical solutions to cure and prevent it.   Exciting new research suggests that COVID-19 should be viewed and treated as an acute inflammatory disease. It is exciting simply because it reveals the genesis of what
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What is the most symbolic refreshing drink of summertime?  Lemonade. Now think about it: do you see commercials for lemonade during the wintertime, compared to the summer?   Besides just looking cheerful, this queen of the citrus fruits has many benefits beyond its vitamin C content – which can provide approximately 50% of the DV
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There is no such thing as life without stress – even insects endure the stress of trying to survive (and not fly into windshields or get squashed).   No doubt about it – 2020 has been fraught with events that have and continue to test our mettle.   When you encounter stress (called a “stressor”)
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Immunity is the top concern among people across the globe as the COVID-19 pandemic has raged onward, like a wildfire.   And for very good reason, the stronger one’s immune system is, the better he or she is able to fend off invasive agents that can cause enervation and/or illness.   Vitamin C, zinc, the
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It’s scary, each year, when flu season hits. There is no way to completely prevent a flu from occurring, but there are ways you can boost your immune system to more effectively and valiantly fight it.   A flu is spread via contact. The key problem is we tend to touch our faces without thinking,
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Sustainability.   It’s a word that seems to be ubiquitous now – and some ponder if it’s just a fresh marketing buzzword that is the new “natural” or “organic.”   It is a real concept that everyone can easily get involved with. It generates empathy, goodwill and positive contributions. Consumers are embracing the proactivity by
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SupplySide West® 2019 in Mandalay Bay Convention Center® brings together ingredient buyers and suppliers from the dietary supplement, beverage, functional food, personal care and sports nutrition industries. It also allows to learn about new trends from over 1,300 exhibitors and 140 hours of educational and conference programming. October 17–18, 2019 Mandalay Bay Convention Center |
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This month is not just for Halloween – it’s also the typical “get your flu shot” month.   Acccording to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), flu season primarily occurs during fall and winter, although the influenza viruses are roaming around all year long. Drug stores have already begun advertising flu vaccines. This is sensible
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(BRADENTON, FL) – Annie Eng, CEO of HP Ingredients, has announced the appointment of Bill Dunn as East Coast Sales Manager to coordinate and oversee the growth of HP Ingredient’s customer base throughout the region.   Dunn has built numerous businesses in the CPG sector as a broker and business owner, concentrating on both dietary
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Anaheim CA, Mar 6-8, Booth 3402 Expo West 2019 will take place at the Anaheim Convention Center North Halls & Anaheim Hilton March 6-8, 2019 and at the Anaheim Convention Center Main Halls March 7-9, 2019. Learn more:
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Summer is here! Children are out of school, and many people are anticipating long weekends at the shore (or lake or pool) and that week off. Taking care of your skin externally is understood to be important to prevent future skin cancer and onset of leathery, wrinkled skin.   But taking antioxidants is also important
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The knees (and hips) are critical in movement – and in repose. Take a moment now to look at how you are sitting. More than likely, your knees are bent to a degree. If you have osteoarthritis (OA), sitting and then getting up, bending, can be painful.   OA is a condition that worsens over
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Researchers show improvements in knee mobility   BRADENTON, FL – Annie Eng, CEO of HP Ingredients has announced the publication of a new study showing that ParActin® (a patented extract of Andrographis paniculata) confers benefits in those with knee joint discomfort.   The study, “A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study to assess the efficacy of Andrographis
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SupplySide East is the East Coast’s leading ingredients trade show. The show includes more than 250 exhibitors and features the most ground-breaking ingredients and formulation techniques. The two-day experience provides a time for industry professionals to share global insights surrounding health and nutrition. Tue, April 09, 2019 – Wed, April 10, 2019
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April is National Stress Awareness Month – but we staunchly believe that awareness of stress and how it impacts health should be continually at the forefront of your mind.   Stress is not just pressure from work – it includes a veritable constellation of characteristics, and thus, imposes a nearly countless number of symptoms, conditions
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March is here – and with it comes spring fever. The kind of “bug” we all enjoy catching. And with spring fever comes the desire to emerge from hibernation, to shrug off the throws and blankets, stretch, open the front door wide and skip around outside.   It’s about getting moving again. For many people,
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BRADENTON, FL – HP Ingredients has announced the launch of a new private label program that allows retailers to sell their own line of herbal supplements using their own label, driving and building brand recognition. Retailers can now market and sell ParActin®, Bergamonte®, LJ100® and MaquiCare® in their house brands.   “Have you ever felt
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February is American Heart Month and of course, Valentine’s Day, whose very symbol is a heart.   We tend to not think about our heart health until we have a scare or suffer a cardiac event; these tend to occur in middle-age.  But Millennials should be concerned and be proactive, especially the upper level of
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Holiday cheer combines food, drink and merriment from being with loved ones as well as giving/receiving gifts. It also tends to add a few more pounds to the few that likely arrived after Halloween and Thanksgiving.   And then comes January first. A fresh start. Resolutions. And the perennial fave is resolving to lose weight/get
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As seen in Nutrition Industry Executive Posted on October 9, 2018 by Nicholas Saraceno NIE 2018 10 11, Ask any athlete or weekend warrior what is the most important need for sports nutrition, and you may be surprised to hear it’s recovery. Recovery is the ability to recharge and hit the refresh button after a
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It usually starts immediately after Halloween. Once the paper ghosties and plastic ghoulies return to the dank darkness of their closet, basement or attic tombs until the following autumn, the Thanksgiving-Christmas/Hannukah-New Year Axis drops. Coincidentally, the amount of daylight and the temperatures drop too. The only thing that typically rises? Stress.   Perhaps knowing that
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Feeling blue on occasion is normal; and feeling out of sorts with a low mood for days on end is common.   According to the Mayo Clinic, seasonal affective disorder (with the appropriate acronym, SAD) is a type of depression induced by lesser amounts of sunlight. SAD tends to sweep the nation at the same
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BRADENTON, FL – HP Ingredients has announced that a new study has shown that the co-administration of its LJ100® Tonkgat Ali (aka Eurycoma longifolia) with a multivitamin helps improve quality of life factors mood, stress response and immune parameters in adults.   The objective of the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 24-week study was to investigate the
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Just a few weeks ago, in late August, commercials began airing that encouraged viewers to get their free flu shots. Local pharmacy chains began putting up signage touting “free flu shots!” And soon to follow will be the viral fear of influenza. But you can lower your risk by incorporating several practices that will help
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BRADENTON, FL — The swiftly rising demand for LJ100® Tonkgat ali, the proprietary and patented men’s health and sports nutrition ingredient from HP Ingredients, has inspired the introduction of LJ100 in microencapsulated form.   According to CEO Annie Eng, this new form opens up a fertile field of new product innovation, notably in the food
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BRADENTON, FL – Annie Eng, CEO of HP Ingredients, has announced that the company’s signature cognitive support ingredient, NeuroActin, a specific extract of Andrographis paniculata, has received a patent granted in the European Union (EU).   The patent application, entitled, “Treatment of Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Impairment with Andrographolides,” details studies demonstrating efficacy of andrographolide (ANDRO),
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BOOSTING NITRIC OXIDE In recent years, sports nutrition consumers have begun clamoring for products featuring ingredients that increase the body’s production of nitric oxide (NO). Elevated NO dilates blood vessels to boost blood and oxygen flow to working muscles, given them more oomph and endurance. “During exercise and intense performance, L-arginine levels become depleted, leading
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Procurement and Purchasing Manager II The movie “Flash Dance” could have been her story. In the small town of Rock Falls, Illinois, just west of Chicago, outwardly strong-willed, hard-working and independently minded 18-year-old Stephanie Albee was a gas range/stoves/cooktops and thermostat ovens engineer at Hooper Wineman by day, and a country music dancer by night,
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A Tale of Testosterone   Testosterone, the “manly” hormone, has been in the news lately as researchers uncover how it is affected and how it acts.   A study published this June in Nature Ecology & Evolution, concluded that testosterone levels in men are determined to a significant degree by their environment during childhood.  
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There are many companies that supply science-backed patented ingredients for the millions of consumer products for health rejuvenation and maintenance. But – what else do they do? “Giving back” is not just a phrase to use to appeal to a group of people who prioritize altruistic behavior. In fact, it’s really not about words at
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Dietary Inflammation Offenders   There are two kinds of inflammation – the good one and its evil twin. The good one is the type that is generated when a bruise occurs or the body wants to mobilize its forces to fight against an invasion (fever, redness/swelling).   The evil twin is systemic and chronic in
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The legendary physicist Dr. Alfred Einstein has become the face of “genius IQ.”  There is a club, Mensa, for those people with very high IQs – above 140. But IQ doesn’t have to define you, you can boost your cognitive and mental performance by making some good – and easy — lifestyle changes.   IQ
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You’ve heard now about the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. It’s not one of those rigid “diets” that you follow for short-term, rather, it is a way of eating for health and overall well-being for life, it is known more for promoting cardiovascular wellness rather than weight loss.   Based on epidemiological observations that
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In October and early November, we begin to look forward to the cheery Thanksgiving/Christmas/Hannukah/New Year’s season. But we always seem to tend to forget the stress that often comes with this time of year.   Work projects need to be wrapped up, and the new year’s work needs to be planned and budgeted. Speaking of
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Las Vegas NV, November 6-10, 2018 at Booth 3728 The Industry’s Gathering Pint Where Science & Strategy Intersect SupplySide West brings together more than 15,000 ingredient buyers and suppliers from the dietary supplement, beverage, functional food, personal care and sports nutrition industries. SupplySide West is all about the science and strategy around the development of
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Thanks to the rise of the digital/computer age – and its offshoots, social media and gaming/entertainment, we need to remember more details than ever, and perform more cognitive functions too. Modern lives are overflowing … and the stress it engenders can impede memory and cognition.   We developed Quantum IQ (kesum extract) to market in
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Hippocrates famously told the world “let food be your medicine,” and in recent times, the knowledge that eating fish such as salmon can help promote healthy cardiovascular and brain function seems to sustain his ages-old advice. Due to its very high content of Omega-3 EFAs DHA and EPA, salmon is requested in restaurants and brought
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BRADENTON, FL – “Dietary Supplement Manufacturer Oversight of Distributor and Contract Manufacturer GMP” is the subject that Hame Persaud, Executive Vice President of HP Ingredients will discuss at the 2nd Annual Dietary Supplements:  Regulatory Strategy Conference, held November 13 and 14 at the Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel, Arlington, VA. Persaud’s segment is scheduled for 10:00
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BRADENTON, FL – HP Ingredients has officially re-launched its corporate website with a completely fresh, new redesign at In tandem, the supplier of branded, proprietary science-backed ingredients has also launched its first ingredient-centric web resource –, devoted to its ingredient, LJ100 Tonkgat ali.   “The way industry grows and learns via the web
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Las Vegas NV, November 6-10, 2018 at Booth 3728 The Industry’s Gathering Pint Where Science & Strategy Intersect SupplySide West brings together more than 15,000 ingredient buyers and suppliers from the dietary supplement, beverage, functional food, personal care and sports nutrition industries. SupplySide West is all about the science and strategy around the development of
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Adults, teens and children are living with higher levels of stress, as well as chronic stress than ever before. Granted, life was always stressful for people, no matter the time in history. But modern lifestyles in the Western world are rife with stressors that did not exist until recently.   Physicians and the medical community
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As men and women age, hormonal profiles begin to change dramatically, causing several symptoms that disturb quality of life and make one feel rather depleted and off kilter. One of those symptoms, which middle-agers tend to prioritize resolving, is insomnia or delayed sleep onset. The body produces a hormone expressly to regulate circadian rhythm; as
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It’s interesting how the phrase “it has good bones” is now popular to mean that anything older is worth salvaging because it’s structure is still solid and sound.   As we age, women in particular, those “good bones” may begin to weaken, become more porous and brittle. It is estimated by the NIH that one
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It’s no secret that as men age, testosterone production slows down. When the male body begins to find itself with less available testosterone, symptoms emerge. Testosterone primarily is responsible for strength and endurance, as well as male sexuality (libido and erectile performance). So, when this hormone is produced less and less, men feel more fatigued,
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Typically, most people think about joint health as a concern for the elderly.  However, today’s middle-agers (Generation X and the youngest Baby Boomers) are looking at longer lives and the desire to remain as active as they were in their youth. The role of inflammation has become more widely understood as a causative factor in
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Bradenton, FL — Annie Eng, CEO of HP Ingredients Corp., has announced that the company’s NeuroActin® was awarded a patent — US 2015/0352075 A1 — for its potential use in brain and cognitive support supplements. The patent, “Treatment of Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Impairment with Andrographolides,” describes how Andrographolide (ANDRO), a labdane diterpene and a major
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Tongkat Ali root extract deemed safe at 200 mg per day, receives Health Canada NPN License. HP Ingredients, Bradenton, FL, a manufacturer and supplier of organic non-GMO and sustainably wild-harvested patented herbal extracts, announced two significant regulatory and safety reviews that will greatly help marketers of its LJ 100 Ingredient for sports performance, maintaining high
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In the recent Joint Health Article by Natural Products Insider, inflammation is characterized by “fluid buildup, heat and redness, joint pain, stiffness and loss of joint function.” The typical conventional response is to take a non-steroidal anti-infammatory drug (NSAID), asprin, naproxen, or ibuprofen, or corticosteroids (prednisone), which, if repeated regularly, can cause negative side-effects, such
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As reported in Nutrition Industry Executive: The Ache: For all its benefits, there is a down-side to getting physically fit. Annie Eng, CEO of HP Ingredients in Florida said as more Americans are getting in shape by regular workouts to fitness centers, ironically, they often lose more than just weight; they often lose joint integrity
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…a multi-pronged approach to address the complexities of weight management As reported in Nutrition Industry Executive: More than 35 percent of adults in the U.S. (estimated 78 million adults) are either overweight or obese, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Further, being overweight or obese increases health risks for metabolic syndrome
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As mentioned in Nutraceuticals World: Scientific validation can help move ingestible skin health products from niche to mainstream. Antioxidants such as those from maqui berry also help protect the skin from sun damage, according to Annie Eng, CEO, HP Ingredients, Bradenton, FL. The company’s Maqui Superberry offers benefits for youthful skin, in addition to protection
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As seen in Nutraceuticals World: HP Ingredients, Bradenton, FL—Derived from the juice and albedo of Citrus bergamia risso and standardized to greater than 30% polyphenolic flavonoids, Bergamonte® helped the subjects of a study to reduce total cholesterol by 35.72%. In the same study, HDL improved 56.05%, LDL decreased by 41.95% and triglycerides lowered by 38.31%.
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As reported in Natural Products Insider: A patented extract of Andrographis Paniculata (as ParActin™ from HP Ingredients) administered at 100f mg/d for 14 weeks decreased the intensity of joint pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) compared to placebo in a 2009 study.¹ Those who took the botanical also had fewer tender joints and number
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To provide a nourishing solution to the growing number of Americans concerned with maintaining brain health and cognition, HP Ingredients has launched NeuroActin™, a patent-pending and proprietary extract of Andrographis paniculata. NeuroActin is standardized to andrographolide, 14-deoxyandrographolide, and neoandrographolide. As featured in Nutraceuticals World: Two in-depth studies by world renowned Alzheimer research scientist, Dr. Nibaldo
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In the sports and fitness world, testosterone should not be ignored. When testosterone levels are in healthy, youthful ranges it contributes to muscle mass and strength gains by increasing the synthesis of muscle protein. As reported in the Natural Products Insider: Testosterone plays a key role in its its effect on male sexual health; it’s
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BRADENTON, FL — Annie Eng, CEO of HP Ingredients, a supplier of science-backed proprietary branded ingredients, has announced that the company now provides full-service private labeling and custom formulations for brand marketers seeking to produce and market unique formulations to the growing dietary supplement industry — set to reach an estimated $33.6 billion by 2018.
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Study combined proprietary Eurycoma longifolia with Polygonum minus BRADENTON, FL — A new study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine demonstrated that administration of a combination of LJ100 (200 mg) Eurycoma longfiolia and Polygonum minus (100 mg) exerted significant sexual performance enhancements over placebo. The 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study, entitled, “Effects of
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Study shows orally administered Bergamonte® extract enhances effects of rosuvastatin BRADENTON, FL – In a new study published in the International Journal of Cardiology, a team of researchers found that bergamot polyphenolic extract, when taken with the popular cholesterol-lowering statin – rosuvastatin, enhanced the potency of the statin therapy. Previous data showed that Bergamonte extract,
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BRADENTON, FL – Annie Eng, CEO of HP Ingredients, has announced that its signature, science-backed ingredient, LJ100 (tongkat ali; Eurycoma longifolia) has obtained not only self-affirmed GRAS status, but an approval from Health Canada. Under Sec. 201(s) of the FD&C Act [21 U.S.C. 321(s)], a substance is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) if it is
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Authors explain compelling research showing Paractin’s powerful role in rheumatoid arthritis relief BRADENTON, FL — Paractin®, a signature nutraceutical ingredient from Herbal Powers Corp. DBA HP Ingredients. is a subject for the new medical tome, Innovative Rheumatology, published in January by InTech and edited by Hiraoki Matsuno. Chapter 11 of Innovative Rheumatology is devoted to
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BRADENTON, FL — Annie Eng, founder and CEO of HP Ingredients, has announced that the company was issued a US Patent for its signature proprietary compound, ParActin®. The patent US #8,084,495 B2, issued on December 27, 2011, is for the unique work: “Composition of Labdane diterpenes extracted from Andrographis paniculata, useful for the treatment of
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Fitoterapia 82 (2011) 309–316 Hypolipemic and hypoglycemic activity of bergamot polyphenols: From animal models to human studies. Bergamot juice produces hypolipemic activity in rats, though the mechanism remains unclear. Here we investigated the effect of bergamot extract (BPF) in diet-induced hyperlipemia in Wistar rats and in 237 patients suffering from hyperlipemia either associated or not
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Bradenton, Fl. June 3, 2011— HP Ingredients is please to announce that we have been accepted into the Trend & Solution Tours at IFT June 11th-14th. Trend: Ingredients for Functional Foods Company: HP Ingredients Product/Service: Maqui SuperBerry™ Booth: 4434 These Trend & Solution Tours are being offered to help attendees find solutions to their formulation
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“Reverse Metabolic Syndrome Reverse Metabolic Syndrome—high blood sugar, high cholesterol, high triglycerides!– with this rare Italian fruit” – The Health Sciences Institute August Newsletter Bradenton, Fl. September 14, 2010— HP Ingredients announces that human clinical studies of Citrus Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia Risso) reports an average reduction of 36% in LDL Cholesterol, a 49% decrease in
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HP Ingedients Introduced Maqui to the world as a superfruit; and has expanded it’s line to include 17, 50 & 65 brix liquid concentrates, a variety of powders and extract. Bradenton, FL, September 14, 2010 — HP Ingredients introduced Maqui berry to the United States in 2007 and has maintained its position as the leading
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“HP Ingredients-Delivering Herbal Science” Bradenton, Fl. June 21, 2010—HP Ingredients is now a Certified Organic Handler. The Organic Chain of Custody is in place for the Organic Maqui Berry products from the fields in Chile to your business. OAI North America is our certifying agency. Dawn Pfeiffer manages this process for HP Ingredients. Organic offerings
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The Maqui Berry is the highest antioxidant superfruits in the world. Bradenton, Fl. January 5, 2010—HP Ingredients is the first to bring maqui berry to the United States and is the largest Maqui berry supplier in the world. Maqui is a unique deep purple berry that grows in remote distant Patagonia, one of the cleanest
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Breakthrough cholesterol lowering citrus from Calabria, Italy Bradenton, Fl. October 7, 2009 – A new human clinical trial involving 82 dyslipidemic patients showed significant reduction in total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, blood glucose level, and significant increase in HDL cholesterol. Bergamot is the common name of the fruit Citrus bergamia Risso, which grows only in the
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The Maqui Berry is the highest antioxidant superfruits in the world. Bradenton, Fl. October 5, 2009—HP Ingredients is the first to bring maqui berry to the United States and is the largest Maqui berry supplier in the world. Maqui is a unique deeply purple berry that grows in remote distant Patagonia, one of the cleanest
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