A. paniculata have shown a broad range of pharmacological effects such as anti-viral, antibacterial, prevention of common cold, anti-diarrheal, support healthy blood glucose, and support healthy inflammatory response.
2. Efficacy of Andrographolide in Not Active Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: A Prospective Exploratory Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial
BMC Neurology (2020) 20:173. Ethel Ciampi, Reinaldo Uribe-San-Martin, Claudia Cárcamo, Juan Pablo Cruz, , Ana Reyes, Diego Reyes, Carmen Pinto, Macarena Vásquez, Rafael A. Burgos and Juan Hancke
Aβ oligomers affect synaptic activity and LTP. APP/PS-1 mice showed reduced levels of the postsynaptic proteins NR2B, GluR2 and PSD-95 as compared to wild-type mice. Treatment with NeuroActin™ prevents the decrease of synaptic proteins triggered by Aβ oligomers, suggesting that it is able to protect the synaptic regions from the neurodegenerative changes of Aβ oligomers. The induction of the LTP in untreated transgenic mice was not possible due to the failure of synaptic plasticity related to the damage induced by the high amyloid burden. In the NeuroActin™ treated transgenic animals, a robust LTP was induced and maintained after 1h at a level similar to wildtype mice, suggesting that NeuroActin™ induce a strong protection and reversal of the neurodegenerative process that was triggered by Aβ structures.
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