As can be seen in Nutritional Outlook.
BRADENTON, FL – Annie Eng, CEO of HP Ingredients, has announced that her certified Woman-Owned company has purchased a stake and is now a shareholder contributing to worldwide sales and marketing for Herbal & Antioxidant Derivatives (H&AD) of Calabria, Italy.
H&AD is the leader in manufacturing a patented bergamot polyphenolic extract that is supported by solid research and evidence-based human clinicals.
“Alongside with pre-clinical and clinical studies proving our products effectiveness, we adopted the principles of the Mediterranean Diet, based on the use of vegetables and citrus derivatives,” explained Domenico Malara, President of H&AD. “Within this context, we re-evaluated the use of Bergamot, which has been adopted for centuries in traditional medicine. Bergamot differs from the other varieties of Citrus for high content of polyphenols, that are natural compounds best known for their antioxidant effects. Today, H&AD is considered one of the top-ranking companies in the area of Bergamot derivatives and natural products.”
HP Ingredients has been the exclusive North American sales and marketing partner for Bergamonte® full-spectrum bergamot extract and a major contributor of H&AD’s revenue since 2008. We believe that by bringing in HP Ingredients as a shareholder, their “expertise in sales and marketing will catapult the worldwide successes of H & AD,” Malara stated.
Eng is now one of the four Directors of the Company. Additionally, Eng and Hame Persaud, Executive Vice President of HP Ingredients, will assume a key role to oversee all general marketing and sales of H&AD’s product offerings worldwide. These roles encompass brand marketing, customer conversion, content and digital marketing, email campaign marketing and all aspects of marketing communications, social media and product marketing.
“Bergamonte® has long been a stellar nutraceutical ingredient for HPI as the scientific portfolio and quality assurance supporting it has been highly attractive for our growing customer base,” Eng stated. “As a shareholder in H&AD, HP Ingredients is now vertically integrated and we are looking forward to growing the scientific portfolio and sales of both companies.”