Watch: Bergacyn®: The New Solution to Turn Off the “Fat Switch”
Dr. Vincenzo Mollace | From Vitafoods Geneva 2024
Cardiovascular Health Webinar | Dr. Vincenzo Mollace
Please watch the Wednesday, December 6th science-based presentation on trends and ingredients supporting innovation in cardiovascular health.
Professor Juan L. Hancke Presented Live at Supply Side West 2022
Discover the Immuno-Stimulant and Anti-inflammatory Powers of ParActin®. Watch the video.
Watch: Use of Citrus Bergamot In Cardiometabolic Risk Management
Dr. Vincenzo Mollace | From Vitafoods Geneva 2023
Professor Juan L. Hancke Presented Two Live Sessions on ParActin® in Inflammatory Processes
Watch the webinar presented by Nutritional Outlook. Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Common cold, and Muscular and Joint Health
20 Years & Counting

HP Ingredients is excited to be celebrating 20 years as a supplier of safe, branded, patented, science-based, clinically proven nutraceutical herbal extracts.
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custom formulations

HP Ingredients offers custom formulations and private labeling services to manufacturers. HPI’s innovation in formulations is accomplished by combining its trademarked ingredients with other clinically tested, well-researched nutraceuticals.

It just made financial sense to work with HPI on our formulation for the cost savings alone. They were able to negotiate great prices on raw ingredients, and put them into an affordable (and high quality) blend for us.  – Scott Hogan, Operations Manager, Institute for Natural Healing, LLC.

Product publications


