Thanks to the rise of the digital/computer age – and its offshoots, social media and gaming/entertainment, we need to remember more details than ever, and perform more cognitive functions too. [...]
Hippocrates famously told the world “let food be your medicine,” and in recent times, the knowledge that eating fish such as salmon can help promote healthy cardiovascular and brain function [...]
BRADENTON, FL – “Dietary Supplement Manufacturer Oversight of Distributor and Contract Manufacturer GMP” is the subject that Hame Persaud, Executive Vice President of HP Ingredients will discuss [...]
BRADENTON, FL – HP Ingredients has officially re-launched its corporate website with a completely fresh, new redesign at In tandem, the supplier of branded, proprietary [...]
Las Vegas NV, November 6-10, 2018 at Booth 3728 The Industry’s Gathering Pint Where Science & Strategy Intersect SupplySide West brings together more than 15,000 ingredient buyers and [...]
Adults, teens and children are living with higher levels of stress, as well as chronic stress than ever before. Granted, life was always stressful for people, no matter the time in history. But [...]
As men and women age, hormonal profiles begin to change dramatically, causing several symptoms that disturb quality of life and make one feel rather depleted and off kilter. One of those [...]
It’s interesting how the phrase “it has good bones” is now popular to mean that anything older is worth salvaging because it’s structure is still solid and sound. As we age, women in [...]
It’s no secret that as men age, testosterone production slows down. When the male body begins to find itself with less available testosterone, symptoms emerge. Testosterone primarily is [...]
Typically, most people think about joint health as a concern for the elderly. However, today’s middle-agers (Generation X and the youngest Baby Boomers) are looking at longer lives and the [...]