A voracious appetite is the sworn enemy of weight loss. For many people, cutting down and out on foods is a herculean effort that often lasts as long as an eyeblink. Once appetite is reduced, it is much easier to get into shape.
In a new study, researchers found that a vigorous bout of exercise can suppress hunger levels in healthy adults more so than moderate exercise. A vigorous workout does more to suppress hunger levels in healthy adults than does moderate exercise, and women may reap these benefits more than men.
And just like Oz is behind the curtain, manipulating the great Wizard, ghrelin is the hormone responsible for operating the appetite. The study investigated how exercise intensity affected ghrelin levels and appetite in men and women. Ghrelin circulates in acylated (AG) and deacylated (DAG) forms, which are known to affect appetite.
The researchers discovered that high-intensity workouts (such as HIIT) suppressed ghrelin levels as participants stated they felt less hungry after the exercise session, compared to when they performed moderate-intensity workouts.
Study lead author Kara Anderson, Ph.D., of the University of Virginia and the University of Virginia Health System in Charlottesville, commented, “Our research suggests that high-intensity exercise may be important for appetite suppression, which can be particularly useful as part of a weight loss program.”
This is great news as the number of health-minded, active people are doing some form of high-intensity interval training, or HIIT.
Now, consider how the ghrelin factor can be supported with science-backed supplements.
Then consider CitruSlim®, a unique blend of signature ingredients Bergamonte® Citrus bergamia Risso and Adapticort® Eurycoma longifolia. In a 12-week randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study, supplementation with either 650 or 1300 mg Bergamonte® significantly reduced ghrelin by 6.89% and 14.90%, respectively.
CitruSlim® has other weight-health advantages, too. Two human studies have demonstrated that its content of naringin, rutin and neoericitrin activate adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and related fat-burning gene signals, preventing buildup of fat in the liver cells; AMPK is a crucial enzyme required to burn fat and sugar. AMPK activation can prevent abdominal fat accumulation
In a placebo-controlled human clinical study, participants in the CitruSlim® group showed significant body weight loss of an average of 2.7kg, with 2.4kg in body fat loss, suggesting 87% of the total weight loss was in loss of fat. On the other hand, participants in the placebo group did not show significant body weight loss (0.78kg) or body fat loss (0.55kg).
The holiday season is here, and many people are going to start eating troves of comfort foods between Halloween and New Year’s Eve. And when the inevitable resolution of losing weight kicks in, focusing on ghrelin control will help these folks accomplish that goal.